Saturday, February 27, 2016

SFX Update

I have completed sfx for coins and power ups. I used FL Studio to create the sounds using the piano with added effects to it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Enemy Health HUD

I wrote another health HUD script that will be used for the Sand Witch. I imported the jackal image into the game for testing and applied the script into the game manager and the image. Following the same method I used for the player health HUD from last semester helped me to write this script.

Jackal Animation

Here is the running animation for the Jackal enemy

The Jackals are stronger enemies than the Ravens, needing multiple hits to take down.  They patrol back and forth between two colliders until the player gets close, then they focus on attacking the player.


Audio Update

This is a screenshot of the music for the introduction cut scène that I'm working on. I've also manage to finish the sound effects for the level up sound.